In Loving Memory – Raymond Thompson MNZM
9th February 2025 – It is with much sadness that we announce the passing of the founder (and Chief Executive) of Cloud 9 Screen Entertainment, Raymond Thompson, MNZM Continue reading>

The Tribe Video Game
The Tribe Game is now available on the App Store® for iPhone® and iPad® devices running iOS! Adapted for mobile devices, the iOS version is playable in the English language and has touch based controls so you can play the game on the go, wherever you go!
The Tribe Game is also separately available on Windows PC and MacOS in English, German and Spanish on the Steam platform, as well as through our online Tribe Shop. You can also find out more information on the various releases available at Continue reading>
New The Tribe book releases in German and Spanish!
We have good news for German and Spanish fans of The Tribe!

Für unsere Fans in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz (und unsere deutschsprachigen Fans auf der ganzen Welt) : Wir freuen uns bekanntzugeben, dass die deutsche Version von „The Tribe Collector‘s Edition Screenplay“ (Taschenbuchausgabe) nun über diesen Link bestellt werden kann: . Das Buch wird als Taschenbuch auf Amazon und als eBook auf Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, Google Play und Kobo herausgegeben.
¡Comunicamos a nuestros hermanos y hermanas tribales hispanohablantes que la edición física en papel de La Tribu – El nacimiento de los Mall Rats y Manteniendo el sueño vivo ya está disponible! Podéis pedir el libro en | | | . El libro también está disponible en formato eBook en Amazon Kindle, Apple Books y Google Play Libros. Mantened el sueño vivo 🙂
The Tribe Happy 25th Anniversary
Happy Anniversary to The Tribe! We’re celebrating the 25th anniversary of the series since the very first broadcast. So Happy Anniversary! Since then, The Tribe has been watched all around the world and continues to be so to this day. Thanks to everyone who has been there, who has watched, and all those who keep the dream alive. Continue reading >

The Tribe Audiobooks and Books
Available now on Apple Books, Google Play, Spotify and the official Tribeworld website (and coming soon to Audible)… With a duration of 34 hours, this audio dramatisation of The Tribe Trilogy by the Cloud 9 Screen Entertainment Group features narration from many returning members of the original Tribe cast who reprise their characters and ‘tell’ the story. The Tribe Trilogy audiobook is like a ‘box set’ and includes all three audiobook dramatisations that follow on from season 5 in the story in one convenient digital download. Contains each audiobook of The Tribe: A New World (the equivalent of Season 6), The Tribe: A New Dawn (Season 7) and The Tribe: (R)Evolution (Season 8). Continue reading>
Other Audiobooks of The Tribe also available
The memoir ‘Keeping The Dream Alive‘ by Raymond Thompson (which has information on the making of The Tribe, as well as being a memoir of the film & television industry by the creator of The Tribe) is also available as an audiobook. The Tribe: Birth of the Mall Rats by Harry Duffin has also been released in the past year as an audiobook on all major audiobook platforms. Each audiobook can be listened to on Audible, Apple Books, Google Play, Spotify and other audiobook platforms.
As well as The Tribe Trilogy audiobook ‘box set’, the individual audiobooks of The Tribe: A New World, The Tribe: A New Dawn and The Tribe: (R)Evolution are also available on leading audiobook platforms and feature narration from many returning members of the original Tribe cast!

Other PHYSICAL NOVELS AND EBooks of The Tribe Available Now
The Tribe Collector’s Edition Screenplay – this is the actual screenplay of The Tribe (movie) in full that Ray was working on during his memoir which shows how Flame and The Privileged Tribe were originally envisaged. Includes an Introduction with an update on what has been happening to do with The Tribe since the memoir in 2011. A must for any fan of The Tribe! Now available in English, a German release of the publication is due to be published in 2024 (stay tuned for more details!) Continue reading>
The Tribe Trilogy – is available now in one omnibus volume as a paperback or eBook, includes the first three novels continuing the story based upon the cult hit television series, ‘The Tribe’, following on from where the series ended up after five seasons. Includes The Tribe: A New World (equivalent of Season 6), The Tribe: A New Dawn (Season 7) and The Tribe: (R)Evolution (Season 8). Continue reading>
In 2024, The Tribe: Birth of the Mall Rats and the memoir Keeping The Dream Alive will have Spanish releases published as physical paperbacks and eBooks (both titles are already available in English, and Keeping The Dream Alive is also available in German).
For more information on the range of books of The Tribe available as physical paperbacks or eBooks (in English, German and Spanish), please check out .
The Tribe Remastered 1080p Edition in Blu-Ray and Available Digitally
The Tribe Blu-rays – all 5 seasons of The Tribe have been released by Pidax Films (playable in English or German), released with bonus content, a must for any Blu-ray and Tribe collector! Continue reading>

Watch The Tribe in HD on Vimeo!
The Tribe has been released in beautiful 1080p HD on Vimeo so now you can watch The Tribe in better quality than ever before on your phone, tablet, computer or Smart TV! Continue reading >
Music from The Tribe now available on soundtrack albums from the series

There are two soundtrack albums featuring music from all five seasons of The Tribe to date: The Tribe Soundtrack Volume 1 and Volume 2 Tribe soundtrack, and these are available digitally on Apple Music stores worldwide, Google Play and Amazon Music. Also released are soundtracks from Cloud 9’s series Revelations soundtrack (starring Tom Hern and some familiar cameos from The Tribe cast), Atlantis High soundtrack (with Michael Wesley-Smith) and the Spirit Symphony by Raymond Thompson, performed by the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra. Continue reading >
Seasons 1-5 of The Tribe now available in German on Amazon Prime Video!
For our German speaking Tribe fans – Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass Staffel 3, Staffel 4 UND Staffel 5 jetzt auf Amazon Prime Video verfügbar ist und mit einem Prime-Abonnement gestreamt werden kann! Wir hoffen, dass die Staffeln 1 und 2 bald dazu kommen (mit einem Prime-Abonnement) beide können jedoch bereits auf Amazon Prime Video gekauft oder gemietet werden. In der Zwischenzeit vergessen Sie aber bitte nicht, dass alle 5 Staffeln jetzt auf unserem Vimeo-Kanal verfügbar sind und zwar in HD auf 16×9 Breitbild 1080p (statt 4×3)! Continue reading >
The Tribe TV Series Official Podcast available on leading podcast platforms including Apple, Spotify and more!
The Tribe TV Series Official Podcast is now available (with cast interviews including Danny James (ZOOT), Meryl Cassie (EBONY), Beth Allen (AMBER), Michael Wesley-Smith (JACK), Antonia Prebble (TRUDY), Michelle Ang (TAI SAN), Caleb Ross (LEX) and more, with Raymond Thompson (Executive Producer, creator of The Tribe)! Continue reading >
The Tribe Manga! The first Tribe manga book is available in both English (The Tribe: Reunion) and German (The Tribe – Das Wiedersehen)! Continue reading >
Costumes, style and Scott Pilgrim
We love Scott Pilgrim, as do many fans of The Tribe – so it was great to discover the Tribal inspiration behind one of the main character’s looks… Continue reading >