Look into the Future – What do you see?
Matt – A future populated by Princess Leia’s would be very agreeable to me. A tough question this one – if we continue to war with each other and become divided by pride and religion, I hate to think what the future might hold. However, if we can listen to each other and place our histories and territorial greed aside, then we can hope for a united future world. Once we can understand what makes us fight each other, we can hopefully rub balm onto our wounds and step forward together. A future without class or divide. Decked out in Tribe costumes would be pretty cool though. What do you think the future holds for you? Matt – Lots of acting! I want to keep learning and growing as an actor and mixing lots of tv and film work with cutting edge theatre. Just get my head down and do some good work and hopefully that pre-written oscar acceptance speech might come in handy one day soon! I want to keep having classic times with friends and family and make them proud. Keep my mum’s flame burning in me. I want to carry on being in love with my girl Sarah and growing closer together. I also want to sort out world peace and set up my own theatre company. Oh, and have loads of dogs. So much to do… so little time!
What do you think the future holds for the human race? A post apocalyptic world as shown in The Tribe or something like Star Wars, for example?
What do you think the future holds for you? Vicky – A steady career in acting hopefully, also a good career in relieving as a teacher and being a waitress and working for my parents. Maybe in the near future I will get a partner and start doing hard out dance competing. Next year I’ll get back into my running and go to the North Island Champs like I was offered this year. Hopefully I’ll improve my marks at school in the exams. I pretty much think more work, and sport. You can never predict anything about mates or guys so I can’t comment on that. I hope to spend more time with my family and catch up with my mates.