is excited to announce that Michael Wesley-Smith (JACK) will be the next member of cast to appear on The Tribe’s official Facebook page for a live cast chat! It’s true!
*dance* *cheer*
Michael has appeared many times in the past on for interviews and it will be a great pleasure and privilege to welcome him back again, we know Michael and his character, Jack, have many fans and that there will be many questions to ask him!
We just need to work out an exact date and time in the schedule and will let you know here in the News on as soon as a date for the chat is arranged. We always try and make a time that works so as many fans around the world can join in (it always gets difficult with timezones to find the best time) and find one that suits the members of cast and the team, as well as keeping it fair so sometimes the cast chats will favour fans in Europe, other times fans in the USA or Australia, et cetera. We try hard so that everyone can have a chance and we’ll put up details as soon as we know them.
In the meantime, you might be interested to check out some of Michael’s previous interviews in the ‘related posts’ below under this post to see what Michael has had to say in the past about Jack, The Tribe, and so much more.
Here’s to the future! Thanks in advance to Michael for appearing in the near future, and hope you can make it to the chat when it takes place.