It’s Easter! Time for eggs… bunnies…. buns…. much to think about and celebrate. And time for some Tribe news updates!….
We have been advised by HQ that discussions are taking place with John Williams (who produced previous Tribe albums) about possible new Tribal music. John has introduced The Tribe team to a very exciting and emerging songwriter artist who actually grew up with The Tribe, viewing it with her sister and was a huge fan. We have been checking out dimblebycapper and can tell you that all on the team are already huge fans as well and believe (as do so many in the industry) that dimblebycapper is destined for huge successes in the music industry (and she already has an impressive and substantial following).
Details of new Tribal tracks which will be released in the future. In the meantime for anyone living in the UK, keep an eye out for dimblebycapper and try and catch any performance. We thought you might like to catch a sample of dimblebycapper’s impressive body of work…
Well this has turned out to be a saga According to HQ, Ray has not agreed to many of the new designs as he is very keen to protect the creative integrity and heritage of all aspects associated with The Tribe (and believes fans of the series around the world share that sentiment) including the website.
So we think that Tribeworld will be reactivated by next weekend (possibly Monday at the latest) which will mean that we will have new content for going forward but for those also wishing to delve into the past then they will be able to utilize all the archives.
Apparently there has been much debate about whether or not to feature a blog as well along with a facility for fan fiction and whether or not a Bulletin Board would be redundant given that Tribal brothers and sisters can interact very easily on Facebook, and we don’t wish to dilute that with a Bulletin Board or dilute the Bulletin Board with Facebook.
As most of you will know, Tribeworld was cyrogenically ‘frozen’ in the hope that the fans would utilize wikis and there have certainly been some wonderful content as a result of this (for example we applaud Tribe Heaven which does an amazing job with updates on how the careers of the Tribe cast are unfolding, for instance).
So the team have decided to try and not duplicate what is in existence but to maintain the Tribeworld cultural heritage while at the same time reactivating the site with the use of better technology and quality, so that it is easier to use and interlink with Facebook and other social networking (down the line, The Tribe will have a Twitter outlet when time permits).
We are now in the process of uploading four albums. Tribe soundtrack Vol 1. Atlantis High soundtrack Vol 1. Revelations Vol 1. Plus Ray’s Spirit Symphony. So hopefully once this has been received and digitised by our partners then we can make these available to you via iTunes, etc, and anticipate that this might occur within a week – but equally we might need approximately another week to allow our partners to do all they have to do (such as with iTunes and various online stores… it just takes time to filter through).
But we just wanted to let you know that we have been ready a little while this end and have now been advised that we can start uploading, which is great news and means that our partners are also ready their end.
We are still on track to release two (possibly three) books this year. We hope within about two weeks to be able to provide definitive release dates as we are just waiting to hear back from various third parties so please be assured you will know as soon as we know. But the good thing is that the framework continues to be put in place to make this facility available to you.
Further to the press release, we have had a lot of enquiries with some fans believing that the movie might be available this year. But just wanted to emphasise that the motion picture of The Tribe is currently in development with the screenplay being written and it is a long lead in time. Once development concludes then discussions need to take place with distributors to identify timeframes and production costs being underwritten, et cetera. Then casting and crew recruitment will occur followed by pre-production (which is all the physical planning of the movie) followed then by production (the actual filming) followed then by post-production (editing, music being composed, tracks laid, et cetera).
So please be aware that it is a very long process. But the good thing is that steps have been taken to embark upon that long journey.
When time permits (as it’s very hectic right now with the current workload) HQ will be discussing the various Tribal conventions being planned to see if there can be an official link with Cloud 9 and there are other exciting areas also in development (unfortunately we don’t know all the details as yet except to know in broad terms what is being scheduled for the future). So we will post any and all information as soon as we know it (but they do include trying to make available DVDs in various territories as well as repeats of the existing Tribe series, etc).
Anyway we just wanted to give you an update because at least we are on track with phase 1 being the reactivation of the Tribeworld website, the release of some music, the books, as well as the development of the motion picture.
Happy birthday Tribe UK
Don’t forget on Easter Sunday for our UK Tribal brothers and sisters that Easter Sunday will see the 12th anniversary/birthday of when The Tribe premiered in the UK (for the team in New Zealand though of course that anniversary and birthday was a year earlier as the series was produced a year before it was first broadcast).
We are trying to work out a suitable date for Meryl Cassie’s cast chat. And have just heard this morning some exciting news which we are pleased to give you as an exclusive…. that the next cast chat (following Meryl) will be with Caleb Ross (LEX)!!!!!! So we are sure you will all enjoy having the opportunity to interact first with Meryl and then approximately one month later subject to Caleb’s schedule – Caleb!!!!!! Don’t forget to check out the wonderful documentary Caleb is working on and like the page (check out The Last Dogs of Winter) – it’s wonderful!