It’s the 25th anniversary of the very first broadcast of The Tribe worldwide! So Happy Anniversary to The Tribe! Episode 1 of Series 1 was first broadcast in the world on Channel Five in the UK on the fourth Saturday in April 1999 (then the 24th April 1999), which on the same day this year is Saturday 27th April. So, this day marks 25 years since the very first time The Tribe was broadcast!

Since then, the series has been shown all around the world, from Germany to New Zealand, South Africa to Finland, France to Singapore, Poland to the Middle East, Australia to Canada and the USA, throughout Europe, Latin America, Africa and beyond.
People from all walks of life, in so many countries, have been united in watching The Tribe and following the stories of Amber, Bray, Lex, Trudy, Ebony, Zoot, the Mall Rats and so many more of all the series characters, as they built a new world.
And The Tribe continues to be watched, with new viewers discovering the series for the first time, be it on the official YouTube Channel, Blu-ray, and streaming platforms including Amazon Prime, Tubi, Pluto TV, Fix & Foxi, the SABC, Vimeo and more.
To celebrate the 25th Anniversary of The Tribe, we’ve compiled ALL the episodes from The Tribe Season 1 into one mega video! Wherever you choose to binge-watch the series, use it to fall asleep to or to watch your favourite Tribe moments, we hope you enjoy and it helps to satisfy your Tribal needs.
So whether you have recently discovered the series – or especially if you have been a long-time loyal fan of The Tribe – we would like to thank you for watching and for being there. The community of viewers around the world has become like a real life ‘tribal’ family, together as one in watching the series.
From that initial first series, 260 episodes were produced and the story has continued through the official books and novels. There has been a Tribe video game, music soundtrack releases, Tribe Tours. And how special it was for so many of the original cast in recent years to bring to life their characters and to give voice once more in the audiobook dramas of the ongoing story that have been released to date.
What did the series mean to you when you saw it for the first time? Where and when did you watch it? Which characters did you connect with the most?

To the amazing cast who brought the characters to life, the production team who filmed the series and made the background world of The Tribe into reality on screen, to the music composers, the post-production team, and of course the talented writers who wrote the unfolding adventures. To all involved in its making (and our broadcasters, distributors and the platforms who have aired the series). And to the creators of the series for developing it, and to Ray for dreaming up the original concept… Thank you.
And to you, the viewers, thank you to all.
The dream must stay alive.
We’re keeping the dream alive.
Happy anniversary x