Feel Alright (Drew Neemia)
Check out the new music video from Drew Neemia! Ray is continuing developing new Tribe music with John Williams and we have been advised that this will include many of our well loved cast. Ray is a mentor to many of them including Drew Neemia, who has been a great friend of Cloud 9 since his early years when Ray cast him in The Enid Blyton Secret Series and in a leading role in The Legend of William Tell. Drew is highly regarded within Tribe fandom for his portrayal of ‘Fisheye’ and we are grateful to Ray and Drew for permission to upload a video of Drew’s song ‘Feel Alright’ (fingers crossed this will be on the next Tribe album compilation). We are sure all our Tribal brothers and sisters will agree that Drew is a very gifted performer and dancer. Enjoy. More news on Tribal music soon. KTDA!