200 episodes of The Tribe! This is a fact to celebrate! Over the four years The Tribe has been running there are many facts and bits of information that you might not know…
The 1st episode of The Tribe was shown on Channel 5 in the U.K on 24th April 1999.Since then four series have been produced totalling 208 half hour episodes and the series has been met with a tremendous following from around the world. 208 half hour episodes is over 500 days of filming. 208 half hour episodes is as many as thirty five 90minute movies!The Tribeworld website was launched in April 1999. Since then the official Tribeworld website has had well over 1.5 billion registered hits.The site has had 10 million visits from fans around the world.
There have been many live cast chats with the stars of The Tribe. The first ever cast chat was with Caleb Ross in January 2000.There are thousands and thousands of Official Tribe Fanclub members – at the time of writing we cannot say how many because of the special Fanclub competition running to see who can guess the closest number.The first ever member of the Official Tribe Fanclub was Sophie Webber of the U.K.Did you know you could throw a dart at a world map and the chance of it landing on a country/nation that shows The Tribe are 80%.There have been four major overseas tours for cast of The Tribe to visit the U.K and Germany.In addition to The Tribe being shown on television, they have also released a hit album, the Tribe can be bought on DVD and video and there are even books about The Tribe printed in both English and German.