Before the virus there were many types of communication. There were phones, mobile phones, pagers, email, post and a few more. All this communication equipment that had been developed over the years is now useless in Tribeworld. So we’re going to step back in time and see how people used to communicate thousands of years … Continue reading Tribestyle: Style of Communication
Author: The Tribe Official
Tribestyle: Shopping
We’re all used to being able to go down to the local store to buy food, clothes and anything else we might like. In Tribeworld this isn’t the case. If you are wanting clothes, you’re going to have to scavenge for them. Maybe an old house, recycled clothing bins or an old clothes shop. There … Continue reading Tribestyle: Shopping
Tribestyle: Friendship and Enemies – Part 2
Enemies can almost play as big a part as friends in someones life. There will always be people throughout your life that you don’t like. It could be for whatever reason, their attitude, their looks, their lifestyle or even something they have done to you directly. There can be a few levels of dislike – … Continue reading Tribestyle: Friendship and Enemies – Part 2
Tribestyle: Friendship – Part 1
Friendship is so important. Friends can help you through good times and tough times. Friends are there to listen when you have a problem and are always a shoulder to lean on when you are down. But they are also there to celebrate moments in your life when things are going great! Friendship can develop … Continue reading Tribestyle: Friendship – Part 1
Tribestyle: Pets and Animals in Tribeworld
In Tribeworld there have been many animals. Some have been pets and some have been wild. In Tribeworld there is not much chance of seeing a large herd of cows or a flock of sheep in the numbers you may be used to seeing. Farms need to be smaller now without the use of motorbikes … Continue reading Tribestyle: Pets and Animals in Tribeworld
Tribestyle: The Style of Decision Making and Leadership
Within Tribeworld there are many Tribes. Every Tribe has a leader and every leader has a quality that has helped make them that leader. Some leaders are bad and some are good. Some are ruthless and some are fair. How do they compare? Amber and Bray are similar in the way they lead others. Amber … Continue reading Tribestyle: The Style of Decision Making and Leadership
Tribestyle: Style of Living
Sharing the workload. Everyone is brought up in a different way by their parents. Parents often try to teach children the necessities in life and show them responsibility. From an early age you are made to do your share of tidying up – doing the dishes, cooking tea, cleaning the house, gathering firewood. Each of … Continue reading Tribestyle: Style of Living
Tribestyle: Style and Personality
Your personality has a lot to do with your style. You may be an extrovert or an introvert. You may like to stand out from your peers or you may like to fit into the norm. What sort of personalities do the Mallrats have and how does it affect them? Amber/Eagle Amber is very strong … Continue reading Tribestyle: Style and Personality
Tribestyle: Style of Tribal fun!
FUN IN THE TRIBE? There is not much opportunity for fun and frivolity in the world of the Tribe. Zoot and Trudy… a dream? Each andevery day is a fight for food, a fight for necessities like clothes, fresh water and batteries. Each day is a fight for life. There have been flashbacks to life … Continue reading Tribestyle: Style of Tribal fun!
Tribestyle: Style of the Tribal gal?
The girls in Tribeworld vary in age, maturity, attitude and style. They have varying responsibilities depending on their situation and place in society prior to the virus. So Tribestyle this week will take a brief look at some of the key female figures in Tribeworld. Some have assumed a very motherly role, be it by … Continue reading Tribestyle: Style of the Tribal gal?