PRIDE and JAY lie underneath the power plant fence. RAM rejoices in the city’s reaction to the ‘switch on’. SIVA slips out of the Mall before the others return. PRIDE rescues JAY. SALENE and DEE, together with MOUSE and her new friend SAMMY, discover chaos in the Mall. A singed PRIDE returns. Electricity has opened … Continue reading Tribe 4 Episode 19
Author: The Tribe Official
Tribe 4 Episode 20
JAY visits EBONY’s suite. She fixes his bandages for a second time. TRUDY reports that the Technos have abducted AMBER. CLOE knows where she might be being held. EBONY and JAY can’t hold back their feelings for each other any longer. They kiss. VED watches the delight that electricity gives the city kids. LEX waits … Continue reading Tribe 4 Episode 20
Tribe 4 Episode 21
AMBER and the lab victims are bought back to the mall. RAM is furious that his ‘units’ have been taken. SIVA waits for LEX at the love shack. She doesn’t know that she is being watched. MOUSE and her friend SAMMY want to see AMBER the zombie. AMBER behaves like she is still trapped in … Continue reading Tribe 4 Episode 21
Tribe 4 Episode 22
Will EBONY spill the beans that AMBER is back? Will JAVA spill the beans on SIVA and LEX? JAY works out where the lab must be. VED covers for RAM. SIVA calls it off with LEX. RAM is far too dangerous. SALENE is concerned about CLOE’s interest in VED and PRIDE’s interest in AMBER. AMBER … Continue reading Tribe 4 Episode 22
Tribe 4 Episode 23
MOUSE and SAMMY tell PRIDE that they are recycling ‘junk’ from the Mall. EBONY might have to write JAY a “sick note”. LEX is under arrest in a bare hotel room. JAVA wants to make a deal with LEX. MOUSE and SAMMY exchange the ‘junk’ for an unidentified object at the markets. RAM’s flowers have … Continue reading Tribe 4 Episode 23
Tribe 4 Episode 24
The market traders try to boss DEE around while LEX is absent. But DEE soon shows them she is in charge. MOUSE has a tumble. Super SALENE to the rescue. EBONY broods about her lost love. SALENE gets a green light from AMBER. DEE’s attempt at rousing the Mall Rats to rescue LEX falls on … Continue reading Tribe 4 Episode 24
Tribe 4 Episode 25
LEX paces his prison cell. SIVA learns from VED that LEX’s next stage in the computer program is total immersion. The Technos promote the new CityNet throughout the city. MOUSE and SAMMY collect pc’s for the Mall. They want everyone to be able to watch CityNet. SIVA tells a grateful DEE of what she knows … Continue reading Tribe 4 Episode 25
Tribe 4 Episode 26
LEX trains in the virtual world for tomorrow’s fight. JAVA is his training opponent. He will get better, given time… but that’s one thing LEX doesn’t have. CLOE wishes she hadn’t taken TRUDY’s advice. Technos set up cyber cafes in the city. RAM wants the first broadcast to have an interactive element. JAY confronts VED. … Continue reading Tribe 4 Episode 26
Tribe 4 Episode 27
LEX wakes to the sounds of muffled chanting outside. The Mall Rats have a war council meeting. LEX meets his adoring public. Lex is a celebrity! He is free to go, but makes a deal with RAM to fight again. AMBER rallies the Mall Rats. They need to gather hard evidence of the Technos experiments … Continue reading Tribe 4 Episode 27
Tribe 4 Episode 28
SAMMY gets footage of the experiments. AMBER asks PRIDE to seek help from a contact he knows. LEX mingles with fans in the Casino. SIVA turns up. SAMMY is disturbed by what he saw in the Techno lab room at the hotel. He stays the night in the Mall. AMBER is horrified by the video … Continue reading Tribe 4 Episode 28