Ray was invited to do a podcast interview by George Jones and we have been authorised to make it available! The interview gives an interesting insight into The Tribe, The New Tomorrow, and also Ray’s career, as well as the new novel which has now been released. If our Tribe community enjoys this format (there … Continue reading The Tribe – The Podcast – Interview with Raymond Thompson
Category: Interviews
Series 5 Tribe Cast on Christmas Time!
What does Christmas mean to you? Vicky Rodewyk- Christmas means spending time with your family, working at the flower shop all day, giving gifts, sending your matest Christmas cards, and fun! Matt Robinson – Warmth and the buzz of giving rather than receiving. Fleur Saville – Family, love and pressies! Calen Maiava-Paris – Family What … Continue reading Series 5 Tribe Cast on Christmas Time!
Series 4 Tribe Cast on Christmas
What does Christmas mean to you? Meryl Cassie – Christmas for me is a time to celebrate with those closest to you, itπs the end of a great year, with lots of pressies (I hope)!! Tori Spence – Hanging out with my close family and eating lots and swimming having barbecues. Monique Cassie – Ist … Continue reading Series 4 Tribe Cast on Christmas
Matt Robinson (SLADE) Facebook Chat Transcript
The wonderful Matt Robinson (SLADE) took part in a live Facebook chat on The Tribe’s Facebook page in 2011 – and here’s a transcript of the chat in case you missed the original live event (or if you were part of it and want to experience it again!). Loads of fans of The Tribe from … Continue reading Matt Robinson (SLADE) Facebook Chat Transcript
Michael Wesley-Smith (JACK) Facebook Chat Transcript
It was a pleasure to welcome the wonderful Michael Wesley-Smith (JACK) back to Tribeworld for an exclusive live chat on The Tribe’s Official Facebook page on Sunday 28th August 2011. Many ardent fans of The Tribe – and Michael/Jack in particular – joined in the event, which was a fun and engaging chat, with a … Continue reading Michael Wesley-Smith (JACK) Facebook Chat Transcript
Danny James (ZOOT) Facebook Tribe Chat Transcript
Zoot be praised! Zoot lives! Because Danny James (ZOOT) himself appeared live to chat with Tribe fans on The Tribe’s official Facebook page earlier in 2011 and we’ve got the transcript of Danny’s questions and answers available for the first time right here! Thanks to Danny again for appearing (and to all the fans who … Continue reading Danny James (ZOOT) Facebook Tribe Chat Transcript
Dwayne Cameron (BRAY) Facebook Chat Transcript
During the online Tribal Gathering 2011 on 26 June at The Tribe’s official Facebook page, Dwayne Cameron (BRAY) appeared live to answer questions from fans posted all around the world, here are the answers we saved from the session. Dwayne also spoke to two fans after the live chat who were picked randomly from those … Continue reading Dwayne Cameron (BRAY) Facebook Chat Transcript
Tom Hern (RAM) Facebook Chat Transcript!
Reality Space overload! None other than Tom Hern (RAM) joined the Online Tribal Gathering 2011 to answer fans questions and interact during a live Q&A session on the Tribe’s official Facebook page. Tom answered many questions including what he thought of RAM, The Technos, The Tribe, Tribe Tours, and what he’s been up to since … Continue reading Tom Hern (RAM) Facebook Chat Transcript!
Raymond Thompson (Tribe Executive Producer) Facebook Chat Transcript
Without Raymond Thompson, The Tribe would not exist – and it was a privilege to have the force behind the Tribe take time out from writing The Tribe movie screenplay to interact with fans of The Tribe during the Online 2011 Tribal Gathering, here are the answers we saved from the session. How did Raymond … Continue reading Raymond Thompson (Tribe Executive Producer) Facebook Chat Transcript
John Williams Facebook Chat Transcript
“Liberty, this is our destiny…” You have heard the song ‘Abe Messiah” and you may have the whole Tribe Abe Messiah album. John Williams, an icon in the music industry, was very instrumental (excuse the pun!) in Tribal music, having composed and produced many of the tracks in the Abe Messiah Tribe album. It was … Continue reading John Williams Facebook Chat Transcript