Find out about the official Tribe books and novels that are currently available to order, as well as several music soundtrack albums, a custom Tribe shop and more!
Audiobooks of The Tribe
The Tribe Video Game (Windows PC and MacOS)
Official Novels and Books of The Tribe
The Tribe Music Soundtrack Albums
Official soundtrack albums of The Tribe with music from the series have been released and are now available to stream or buy on Spotify, Apple Music, Apple iTunes, Google Play, Amazon Music and many more outlets. In addition, soundtrack music from Cloud 9’s other series (which star members of The Tribe cast) including ‘Atlantis High’, ‘Revelations – The Initial Journey’ are also now available to stream or purchase. The Spirit Symphony, by Raymond Thompson and performed by the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra is also available as a complete album.

The Tribe TV Series Custom Shop
Customise and design some Tribe themed gear and merchandise from a range of images from The Tribe TV Series on The Tribe’s Custom Shop. A range of items are available from mugs to t-shirts, posters and mousepads – so you can wear or use items inspired by The Tribe!