To all our Tribal brothers and sisters around the world – we hope that you are staying strong and safe during these difficult and challenging times.

Following Ray’s initial podcast interview in late 2019 with George Jones (a UK based Tribe fan) and given that so many around the world are in lockdown and isolated, Ray thought it might be fun to help relieve the long days with some Tribal activity… So he has been hosting a podcast series with interviews with various cast members from The Tribe series (and more coming soon we hope)! 🙂
Where The Tribe TV Series Official Podcast is available:
You can watch The Tribe’s official Podcast on The Tribe’s Official YouTube channel (where there is loads of other Tribe content available including episodes and behind the scenes special features).
An audio only version of the official podcast for The Tribe TV Series is also available on the following major podcast platforms:
The Tribe Official Podcast on Apple Podcasts
The Tribe Official Podcast on Spotify
The Tribe Official Podcast on Google Podcasts
The Tribe Official Podcast on Audioboom
The Tribe Official Podcast on Deezer
The Tribe Official Podcast on TuneIn
The Tribe Official Podcast on iHeart
The Tribe Official Podcast on RadioPublic
The Tribe TV Series Official Podcast Interviews Now Available
Interviews have taken place and are now available (or coming soon) discussing the current COVID-19 real life virus (as well as commemorating The Tribe’s 20th anniversary) with the following cast members so far (and with more members being interviewed in future too we hope):
Raymond Thompson (Executive Producer, creator of The Tribe TV Series)
Danny James (ZOOT)
Meryl Cassie (EBONY)
Beth Allen (AMBER)
Michael Wesley-Smith (JACK)
Antonia Prebble (TRUDY)
Michelle Ang (TAI SAN)
Caleb Ross (LEX)
More members of The Tribe cast coming soon…
In addition, we are in touch with George who will do some other podcasts including an interview with AJ Penn on the novels and perhaps some follow ups with Ray as outlined in the first podcast.
We’re also looking at some quizzes and caption competitions. So stay tuned. But in the meantime, we were already planning on having some messages and celebrations for the 20th anniversary of The Tribe and few could have foreseen that so many people are almost now living as if in the series. The first couple of scenes in episode 1 are especially prophetic.
Ray is stranded overseas and in lockdown and for the cast interviews only will act as your ‘host’ and is due to interview members of The Tribe cast over the coming weeks and we will upload each episode of the podcast shortly thereafter.
Now, more than ever before, it is important for us all to be there for each other and to be kind and gentle with our friends, family and especially ourselves and to stay strong and be safe.
Keep the dream alive.