Interview with Monique Cassie (Siva) Me and My Shadow…

Interview: Interview with Monique Cassie

Me and My Shadow…

TW: Things that you like about your character’s personality are:

Monique. – She’s a very sincere person and cares about other peoples feelings. She’s also good at her martial arts and can stand up to people with it.

TW: Things you dislike about your character’s personality are:

Monique. – That she’s scared of Ebony and Java.

TW: Things you like about your character’s costume are:

Monique. – Everything! I like my costume.

TW: Things you dislike about your character’s costume are:

Monique. – When it rains or when it’s windy I get very cold. ha ha ha.

TW: You relate/do not relate to your character because…

Monique. – I relate to my character because I think parts of me are very like Siva. I personally care about other peoples feelings too.

TW: What do you think you have brought to your character to give her more depth/reality?

Monique. – Not sure.

TW: What has your character taught you?

Monique. – Not to be so afraid of life.