Pre-Tribe Mysteries – Presidential Broadcast – Part 2

Over the last few ‘pre tribes’ we have taken a look at the many mysteries surrounding the Tribe – from Pandorax, the virus, the antidote, and more! This week we take a look at the mystery and history surrounding the Presidential broadcast that was found on video tape by Ellie and Jack.


What next?

Jack thought he would listen to the President’s video they had found once more, just to confirm to himself that it was a viable story! He was fairly satisfied with the story he had heard the President give about the source of the virus.

He was pottering about his work in his workshop when the video finished…or so he thought…but it continued!!! and not in the context that Jack expected to hear!

See above to hear what Jack heard that fateful day!

President: ” Do not despair. My message to you is stay calm, remain hopeful. We will defeat this plague from the stars. God bless you all…

Well, What do you think? Was I convincing?”

Producer: ” Yes, sir. Very convincing, I’d say.”

President: ” You think they’ll swallow all that guff about the comet …?”


What was the President talking about? Convincing? Was it all a sham? It was quickly becoming evident that there was a major scandal going on!! Jack couldn’t believe his ears … he couldn’t wait to tell and show Ellie!!

There was so much more to this ‘virus’ than what everybody originally thought. And there was obviously a huge cover-up going on to ensure that details would never be found out …

What happened upon showing Ellie?

Jack was so enthusiastic to show Ellie what he had discovered. They had been searching so long for answers and then to ultimately come across this?!! WOW, Jack couldn’t believe it.

He was trying to get the video to work, nothing? pressed play, nothing? Check the video insert, NOTHING???? Where on earth had the tape disappeared to in that short space of time when Jack went to get Ellie?

There goes the next scandal … Who stole the video? and Why?It must be someone in the Mall? Someone who knows more than they are letting on … and someone who has a vested interest or connection to the virus and its origination?

This was the next saga in the cover-up process of the virus details! What was the real story? Will they ever find out in Tribeworld what were the actual details and source of the virus?

Could it be that the virus was not really as a result of an attempt to stop the aging process? Perhaps it came from man’s exploration of space, OR a scientific experiment which went terribly wrong, OR was as a result of germ warfare???

There are other problems and threats in Tribeworld now which would be more important – Survival is still the name of the game.