Tribemaster sees a very sad face in Tribeworld. They no longer want to live in the city and have decided to go and live with the Eco’s. Tribemaster is sad that this person is leaving but can understand their sadness. Tribemaster hopes that they are happy with their choice. Tribemaster thinks the Eco’s will be pleased.
Tribemaster has also seen that Ebony has seen the light, thanks to Siva and Slade. What will Ebony do now? Tribemaster knows that Ebony is always full of plans and there is no doubt she’ll pull off whatever she has in mind.
Tribemaster thinks Ebony may find herself confiding in the least likely person around but Tribemaster also knows that this person isn’t judgemental and can always be understanding of someone elses predicament.
Tribemaster thinks that Slade is very good at helping people out – but Tribemaster has to ask “why”?
Tribemaster will check in again soon.
Stay tribal…
Nobody knows the real identity of “Tribemaster” but one thing`s for sure – “it” lives in Sector 9 of the city and sends updates, gossip and information from Tribeworld, and we are publishing “its” messages here on the Official Tribe website.
On occasion, you might even be able to talk or find some messages from Tribemaster on the bulletin board. If it is safe to do so, Tribemaster will do its best to answer any questions – and who knows, one day the revelation might even be given to the question that is now being asked around the world – what is Tribemaster? Who is Tribemaster?