Tribemaster Message # 142 – Arrival!


After all this time Tribemaster and friends have finally arrived! The final leg of the trip was quite uneventful which Tribemaster was happy about as thelast few weeks had been disasterous.

Tribemaster is not sure exactly which country they’re in but we have found a city of a few thousand people.

The people over here are quite unique but Tribemaster expected this. They too have Tribes and some of them are very large. No one has been hostile towards us but we’re ready if they are.

We’ve decided for now not to set ourselves up in the central city but to find somewhere secluded out of town. This will give us a chance to get things together without the threat of other Tribes descending on us.

We’re going to find out if there are markets, any fresh water sources etc. Without these essentials it will be a struggle.

While we’ve stayed in the city for the last two nights we head off tomorrow searching for a base of our own.

Tribemaster will let you know more when the group has settled.

Stay tribal…


Nobody knows the real identity of “Tribemaster” but one thing`s for sure – “it” lives in Sector 9 of the city and sends updates, gossip and information from Tribeworld, and we are publishing “its” messages here on the Official Tribe website.

On occasion, you might even be able to talk or find some messages from Tribemaster on the bulletin board. If it is safe to do so, Tribemaster will do its best to answer any questions – and who knows, one day the revelation might even be given to the question that is now being asked around the world – what is Tribemaster? Who is Tribemaster?